Who is Kidone?
Ezra Creighton and his wife, Victoria-Joy, are the founders of KidOne Camps. They call North Idaho home and are very excited to meet their first little boy due at the end of summer 2024. When not traveling or planning for the next camp, they enjoy taking walks, casting a vision for parenting, and finding a creative project to make together.
They have taught and worked with kids in multiple different ways. Collectively they have taught at Good News Clubs, after-school Bible clubs, kids activities at rehabilitation centers, VBS, workshops at the Creation Museum, AWANAs, science camps, and more!
They have a God-given passion for reaching the next generation—a passion to teach children about their Creator who loves them, came to save them, and has given them His word, the Bible. Their vision is to see that all children have a solid foundation on God’s word and answers to the questions of life.
Through KidOne Camps, they aim to make a difference in the next generation by teaching Biblical truth in a way that is memorable, engaging, applicable, and life-changing.
How are we supported?
Ezra and Victoria-Joy are supported by individuals who have partnered with them through finances and prayer. Without the help of these partners, many parts of the ministry would not be able to continue.
They are so grateful to the people who have joyfully supported and prayed for them.
They are currently Missionaries with InFaith.